Welcome Mimi Davis to the SLP team!

Hey, hey, hey readers, I’d like to introduce you to someone who is helping me out on the business side of things at Sweet Lemonade Photography. Mimi Davis is a senior at Mahomet-Seymour high school. I’ve had several of the Davis kids in front of my camera for senior pictures as well as photographed their entire family. This summer, while photographing Mimi during her senior session I was in awe of not only her fashion style but also her ability to pull off so many different looks with such confidence. She shared with me that she plans to pursue a degree in journalism and is interested her dream job is to write for Vogue one day. So cool!

Fast forward a few weeks and I was feeling overwhelmed with all on my to do list for work and I was trying to figure out what responsibilities I could share with someone else. As a one-woman show for 8 years, it’s hard to even know where to begin having someone help because I’ve always done everything myself. And honestly, I always thought I’d have enough time to do it all myself. But this summer, in order to keep a healthy balance on work and family, I not only admitted I could use help but I was going to make sure I took the next step to find someone that can help me long term.

And then a lightbulb went off in my head. Mimi! Uhhhh, duh…. she wants to write for Vogue so why not get her feet wet writing for Sweet Lemonade Photography, right? :-) So, you’re going to see Mimi’s voice on SLP blog sharing fashion tips and trends. She plans to follow me on senior shoots as well so might be writing from her perspective about the process of getting your senior pics taken, do interviews with the seniors so you can learn more about them, and who knows what else.

I’m throwing ideas her way and she is already running with them. Super excited to have not only a photographer/mom perspective (aka me) for SLP but also a senior, fashion forward, journalism aspiring writer on board…. yeah, that is Mimi.

I am so excited to have her on the team… which was not a team until she arrived. lol.

Help me welcome Mimi.



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Hi hi!

I’m Mimi :)

You’ll be hearing lots from me, and I will try to be as helpful as I can to help YOU prepare for all your photoshoot needs!

Like Heather mentioned, I am heading into my senior year at Mahomet and plan on going into journalism (specifically fashion journalism). I am involved in Student Council, Dance team, Freshman mentor program, and the school musical.

I am beyond excited to be working for SLP!! Yay!!


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