Am I eager to take your pics? Yes. Will I be taking them now? No. Here's why.

I feel like we should be singing a new version of the Alan Jackson song that he wrote shortly after 9/11. Know what I’m talking about? “Where were you when the world stopped turning?”

The world has nearly shut down because of Covid-19. In Illinois, the shelter in place (SIP) officially began March 21st and many were already sheltering or practicing extreme caution at least a week prior to that. And now we’ve heard the SIP is extended till the end of May.

Am I disappointed to not be shooting? Absolutely! I have high school seniors who have had their senior photos scheduled for March and April since the fall that I can not photograph. These seniors do not have a prom. They do not have graduation ceremonies. And they do not even have senior photos to share with friends. Their parents are excited to announce on social media their child’s plans for after high school and wished they had the professional photos to choose.

There is nothing more I want than to be able to provide these seniors with a sense of normalcy for just one hour. An hour to forget about the stress and sadness. An hour to crank up the music, laugh, dance, and have fun. An hour to be a carefree kid. And I can’t.

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I’m certainly not closed cause I’ve been working harder than ever before behind the scenes. But I am not allowed to photograph anyone yet because my job is deemed non-essential.

First, I want to say thank you to all of my clients who understand we must continue to push their sessions back. It’s not ideal but it is necessary.

Second, I want to clarify how I am determining when it safe to start shooting again because social media is gonna leave you confused. It sure does me.

I will not photograph any sessions until the Governor provides very clear approval for the entire state of Illinois or at the very least Champaign County where I reside.

Have you seen this video by Adley Stump she posted on her Facebook page The Adley Show

It’s hysterical cause it’s soooo true. Well, I could produce a similar script strictly for photographers.

“You are non-essential. You must stay at home. Well, family session are ok but they must be done on their front porch. Senior pics are not ok but it is ok to photograph engagement sessions.”

What? It’s enough to make your head spin.

Some of you may be seeing other photographers posting that we are now able to go back to photographing paid outdoor sessions, on private property, with immediate family members only, etc…

While my small business IS essential to my family, it is NOT essential under the STATE and FEDERAL mandates.  I am choosing to be patient and hope that either clearer guidelines are released by the state or federal government OR the shelter in place order is modified after June 1 to include businesses, such as mine to get back to work.

The guidelines provided to some of my fellow photographers by their various counties are murky at best, and I will not put my business at risk.

I don't think anything has been "officially" lifted regarding our businesses. I think it is the OPINION of some county and local agencies that if we abide by the social distancing guidelines we should be able to work. I haven't seen anything official enough, in my opinion, to make me feel I can go back to work without possibly incurring any penalties. I have seen the emails back and forth from some of these agencies to my fellow photographers, and the information provided sounds very speculative.

Having said that, I AM taking tentative appointments for June 1 and after. 2020 seniors, 2021 seniors, I see you! Text me at 217-840-2444 to get the ball rolling and I’ll send you more details so we can get you on my calendar.

In the meantime, if you’re looking for a way to celebrate your senior, an 8th-grade promotion, birthday, or show your support of Mahomet Strong, check out the wide variety of yard signs and banners that I can design for you starting at only $15.

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Also, please watch your inbox for a special announcement for albums and wall art, just in time for MOTHER’S DAY!

Stay safe my friends, and wash your hands :)



Heather WanningerComment