Mahomet community spreads love to crossing guard Kristi on Valentine's Day

As Kristi Hart found out on Valentine’s Day, the community has a special place in their hearts for her. As a crossing guard and lunch room supervisor at Middletown Prairie, she interacts with hundreds of children in our community daily.

The Mahomet Citizen featured her in the paper on February 22nd tells more about this woman with a HART for kids. See what I did there? ;-)

“For Kristi Hart, last Thursday started out like any normal workday as a crossing guard for Lincoln Trail Elementary School, where she ensures students safely cross the intersection of Division and State streets each school day. But when a dozen children came running waving signs that read "thank you for keeping us safe" and shouting "we love you," it suddenly turned into a Valentine's Day she won't soon forget.

"I was totally blindsided by the whole thing," Hart said.

Not only was the crossing guard the recipient of a kind greeting, but she was also showered with gifts raised unbeknownst to her from community members.

Local parents Amy Jessup and Heather Wanninger headed the cause, raising more than $625 for the crossing guard, which they used to purchase Hart a parka. But donations from area businesses topped her gift value well over $1,600.

"(I'm) overwhelmed," Hart said. "I'm used to giving and not receiving, so I am still floored at the generosity of our community."

The idea all started with a Facebook post from Wanninger, who simply wanted to thank Hart for her dedication to Mahomet-Seymour's youngsters.

"While many were complaining about having to drive to work in the bitter cold, subzero weather, Kristi was spending over 30 minutes every morning and afternoon in the cold weather keeping all our kiddos safe," Wanninger said.

Continue reading Mahomet Citizen article.

Valentine’s Day has come and gone. But I pray this is a reminder to keep spreading love and showing your appreciation to others. Words are powerful. Actions aren’t easily forgotten. Make the choice to use kind and loving words and show others they are important and valued. Those kinds of actions aren’t reserved just for Valentine’s Day. Be kind and spread love 365/24/7.

